Home About


Welcome to my corner of the internet! I’m Zachariah Covington, known as ZerkDev, and I love technology and music.

Interests and Expertise

I’m passionate about developing automation solutions. I work with VMWare Aria Automation at my job and tinker with Home Assistant, Node Red, and various microcontrollers in my spare time. Among these, the ESP-32 microcontroller holds a special place in my heart due to its versatility.

YouTube Channels

I maintain two YouTube channels!

  • ZerkDev
    • Showcases various software development projects I am working on at the time, or even trailers or gameplay of games I release.
  • ZerkMusic
    • Showcases my musical endeavors. Whether you’re interested in coding or grooving to some tunes, there’s something for everyone.

Contact Information

Feel free to reach out to me via email at zerkdev09@gmail.com or connect with me on LinkedIn. I may not be active on social media, but I’m always eager to engage with fellow enthusiasts.

Thanks for stopping by, and I hope you find this page helpful. Whether you’re here to explore my projects, learn something new, or simply connect, I look forward to sharing this journey with you.